Weigerts Haematoxylin/Van Gieson Stain Kit

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This stain kit is used for the demonstration of collagen fibres. Van Gieson’s method is a mixture of two anionic dyes which impart one colour to collagen and another to cytoplasm including muscle fibres and erythrocytes. By using an iron haematoxylin (Weigert’s) which is an acid resitant nuclear stain, the Van Gieson counterstain produces the differential staining of the collagen and cytoplasm

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Code– 100-200-500-1000
RRSK224 x 50ml4 x 100ml4 x 250ml4 x 500ml


Kit Contains:
Haematoxylin Weigert Stain A
Haematoxylin Weigert Stain B
Van Gieson Extra Stain
Acid Alcohol 0.5%

General Information:
Procedure Time :  35 minute (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:  15-25 °C

Nuclei:                        Blue-Black
Collagen:                    Red
Red Blood Cells:       Yellow
Muscle:                       Yellow

1. Prepare working haematoxylin solution by mixing equal parts of haematoxylin solutions A & B
2. Dewax sections, hydrate through alcohol and rinse in tap water
3. Stain in Haematoxylin working solution for 20 minutes. (save solution until stain is completed)
4. Wash in tap water
5. Differentiate in 0.5% acid alcohol. Check microscopically. Under differentiation is required as the Van Gieson stain will remove some of the haematoxylin
6. Rinse in tap water
7. Blue in Scotts tap water and rinse in running water
7. Stain in Van Gieson Stain for 2 minutes
8. Rinse quickly in distilled water, blot dry
9. Dehydrate quickly in absolute alcohol (picric acid is highly soluble in alcohol. Exposure to alcohol must be minimal), clear and mount

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