Elastic Van Gieson Stain Kit (Miller) (EVG)

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This stain kit uses a combined technique to demonstrate elastic fibres, collagen and muscle. Elastic fibres, especially fine fibres will stain intensely blue with the Miller stain. Elastin and pre elastin fibres are highly cross linked disulphide bridges which require oxidation with potassium permanganate followed by a bleach with oxalic acid

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Code– 100-200-500-1000
RRSK116 x 50ml6 x 100ml6 x 250ml6 x 500ml


Kit Contains:
Potassium Permanganate 0.5% Solution x 2
Millers Elastin Stain
Sulphuric Acid 3% Solution
Van Gieson Extra Stain
Oxalic Acid 1% Solution

General Information:
Procedure Time : 195 minutes (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:    15-25° C.

Elastic fibres:      Blue-Black
Mature Collagen:   Red

Other tissues e.g. muscle and red blood cells : Yellow


Preparation of Acidified Potassium Permanganate

Mix 9.5ml of potassium permanganate solution with 0.5ml of sulphuric acid solution. This purple solution will keep for 3-4 weeks but should be discarded after using 5 times or if it turns brown

  1. Dewax sections, hydrate through alcohols and rinse in tap water
  2. Treat with acidified potassium permanganate for 5 minutes
  3. Wash well in water and bleach with oxalic acid for 1 minute
  4. Wash well in water
  5. Rinse in 95% alcohol (not supplied)
  6. Stain in Millers elastin stain for 3 hours at room temperature
  7. Rinse briefly in 95% alcohol to remove excess stain
  8. Wash well in water
  9. Counterstain with Van Gieson stain for 2 minutes
  10. Blot Dry
  11. Dehydrate rapidly, clear and mount

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