Congo Red Stain Kit (Puchtler & Sweat)

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This stain kit is used for the detection of Amyloid Protein in tissue sections. This method removes the need for a differentiation step with the use of a highly concentrated sodium chloride solution which reduces background staining whilst enhancing hydrogen bonding of Congo Red to Amyloid resulting in a progressive staining and highly selective technique

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100 Test200 Test
Code– 100-200
RRSK912 x 50ml12 x 100ml


Kit Contains:
Saturated Sodium Chloride Alcoholic Solution x 5
Sodium Hydroxide 1% Aqueous Solution
Congo Red in 80% Ethanol Saturated x 5
Haemalum Mayer

General Information:
Procedure Time : 60 minutes (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:  15-25°C

Eosinophils, Amyloid, Elastin,Keratin:         Red
Various glycoproteins, early lipofuchsins:   Magenta
Nuclei:                                                                  Blue


Firstly 2 separate working solutions must be prepared
Working Solution A Add 0.25ml sodium hydroxide to 25ml alcoholic sodium chloride. Use promptly Working Solution B Add 0.25ml sodium hydroxide solution to 25ml congo red solution. Use promptly

  1. Dewax sections, hydrate through alcohols and rinse in tap water
  2. Stain nuclei with Mayers haemalum for 5 mins
  3. Wash well in tap water
  4. Differentiate with 1% acid alcohol 2-10 secs
  5. Wash well in water
  6. Blue in scotts tap water
  7. Wash well in water
  8. Immerse in working solution A for 20 Drain
  9. Immerse in congo red working solution B for 20 minutes
  10. Rinse briefly in alcohol (80%)
  11. Dehydrate rapidly, clear and mount


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100 Test, 200 Test