Masson Fontana Stain Kit

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This stain kit is used to demonstrate melanin in tissue but can also demonstrate argentaffin cell granules and lipofuscins.

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100 Test200 Test
Code– 100-200
RRSK127 x 50ml7 x 100ml


Kit Contains:
Ammonia Solution 33%
Silver Nitrate 10% Solution x 4
Sodium Thiosulphate 5% Solution
Neutral Red 0.1% Solution

General Information:
Procedure Time : 60 minutes (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:  Store silver nitrate at 2-8°C for optimal performance

Melanin:                                                                                                      Black
Argentaffin cell granules, chromaffin, some lipofuchsins:               Black
Nuclei:                                                                                                         Red


PREPARATION OF AMMONIACAL SILVER SOLUTION – Place 20ml of 10% aqueous silver nitrate solution in
a glass flask. Using a fine-pointed dropper pipette, add concentrated ammonia drop by drop, constantly
agitating the flask until the formed precipitate almost dissolves
– This titration is critical if the method is to work consistently well
– The end point of the titration is seen when a faint opalescence is present, and is best viewed using reflected light against a black background
– If too much ammonia is inadvertently added then the addition of a few drops of 10% silver nitrate will restore the opalescence
– To this correctly titrated solution add 20ml triple distilled water and then filter into a dark bottle
– Ammoniacal silver solutions are potentially explosive if stored incorrectly
– Store the solution in the refrigerator (2-8°C) and use within 4 weeks

1. Dewax sections, hydrate through alcohols and rinse in tap water
2. Wash well in distilled water
3. Treat with the ammoniacal silver solution in a clean Coplin jar, which has been covered with aluminium foil, for 30-40 minutes at 56˚C. Check microscopically until optimum staining is achieved
4. Wash well in several changes of distilled water
5. Treat sections with 5% aqueous sodium thiosulphate (hypo) for 1 minute
6. Wash well in running tap water for 2-3 minutes
7. Counterstain in 0.1% Neutral Red for 1 minute
8. Rinse in running water and blot dry
9. Dehydrate rapidly, clear and mount

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