May Grünwald Giemsa Stain Kit

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This stain kit is used for the differential staining of cellular elements of blood. Giemsa and May Grunwald staining solutions are classified as “Romanowsky” stains. These compound dyes are relatively insoluble in water and are usually prepared by solubilisation in Methanol

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Code– 100-200-500-1000
RRSK273 x 50ml3 x 100ml3 x 250ml3 x 500ml

Kit Contains:
May Grünwald Stain
Giemsa Stain
Sorensens Buffer (200x conc) pH6.8

General Information:
Procedure Time : 35 minutes (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:    15-25° C.

Nuclei:                                                                            Red/Purple
Cytoplasm -Lymphocytes/ Monocytes:                  Pale Blue
Granules in Neutrophils:                                           Red/Purple
Basophil granules:                                                      Blue/Black
Eosinophil granules:                                                  Bright Orange
Red blood cells:                                                          Pink/Orange


1. Dewax sections, hydrate through alcohols and rinse in tap water. For smears flood slides with distilled water
2. Filter May Grünwald stain, dilute with Sorensens buffer 1:1 and stain for 15 minutes
3. Tip off stain but do not rinse in buffer
4. Filter Giemsa stain and dilute 1 part stain to 9 parts buffer and stain for 10 minutes
5. Rinse in Sorensens buffer pH 6.8
6. Dehydrate, clear and mount. For smears mount when air dried.

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