Mucicarmine Southgate Stain Kit
This stain kit is used for the demonstration of acid mucins. The active dye molecule is aluminium carminic acid complex known as carmine (Lillie 1977). The exact mechanism is not fully understood but it is believed that aluminium salts form a chelate complex with carminic acid which confers an overall positive charge on the carmine complex attracting sialomucins and sulfomucins and thus staining them whilst neutral mucins do not stain
100 Test | 200 Test | 500 Test | 1000 Test | |
Code | – 100 | -200 | -500 | -1000 |
RRSK13 | 4 x 50ml | 4 x 100ml | 4 x 250ml | 4 x 500ml |
Kit Contains:
Mucicarmine (Southgate)
Scotts Tap Water Substitute
Martius Yellow Saturated Alcoholic
Haemalum Mayer
General Information:
Procedure Time : 45 minutes (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage: Mucicarmine 2-8 ° C. Other Reagents 15-25 ° C
Carboxylated mucins, sulphomucins: Red
Nuclei: Blue / Black
Background Tissue: Yellow
1. Dewax sections, hydrate through alcohols and rinse in tap water.
2. Stain nuclei with Mayer’s haemalum for 5 minutes
3. Wash well in water
4. Differentiate in 0.5% acid alcohol and blue in Scotts tap water substitute or running tap water
Nuclei should be blue/black when checked microscopically
5. Stain within mucicarmine solution for 30 minutes
6. Rinse well in distilled water
7. Counterstain with martius yellow solution 30 secs
8. Rinse quickly in distilled water
9. Dehydrate, clear and mount
Hazard Information
Additional information
Pack | 100 Test, 1000 Test, 200 Test, 500 Test |