Kleihauer Stain Kit

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This stain kit is used to detect foetal cells in a maternal circulation and is based upon the ability of foetal cells to withstand acid pH whereas adult red cells undergo elution of the haemoglobin

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Code– 100-200-500-1000
RRSK338 x 50ml8 x 100ml8 x 250ml8 x 500ml


Kit Contains:
Kleihauer Buffer Solution 1 x 3
Kleihauer Buffer Solution 2 x 2
Erythrosin 0.1% Acidified Solution
Haemalum Mayer
Denatured Ethanol 80%

General Information:
Procedure Time : 45 minutes (post warming of working solution) (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:    15-25° C.

Foetal cells:     Reddish brown
Adult cells:      Pale pink ghost outlines
Neutrophils:    Appear differentiated as in haematology films
Lymphocytes:  Grey/Pink


1. Following preparation, allow blood smears to air-dry for 10-60 minutes
2. Place the dry blood smears in a coplin jar containing the denatured ethanol 80% for approximately 5 minutes.
3. Rinse in distilled water and allow to air dry
4. Place the slides in the Kleihauer buffer solution (pre heated to 37° C in a Coplin jar) for 5 minutes. Agitate the slides at 2 minute intervals
5. Rinse with distilled water and air dry
6. Stain with the haemalum Mayer for 3 minutes
7. Rinse with distilled water
8. Stain with the erythrosin solution for 4 minutes
9. Rinse with distilled water and allow to air dry
10. Slides must be examined using oil immersion

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