Papanicolaou Stain Kit

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This stain kit is used for the demonstration of gynaecological cells in cytological preparations

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Code– 100-200-500-1000
RRSK283 x 50ml3 x 100ml3 x 250ml3 x 500ml


Kit Contains:
Papanicolau EA50
Papanicolau OG6
Haematoxylin Harris

General Information:
Procedure Time : 35 minutes (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:    15-25° C.

Nuclei:                                                                                    Blue/Black
Cytoplasm (Non-keratinising squamous cells):            Blue/Green
Keratonising Cells:                                                              Pink/Orange

 1. Wash slides with 50% alcohol for 1 minute
2. Rinse in tap water, 15 dips
3. Immerse in solution (Haematoxylin), until nuclei are blue, or for 5 minutes
4. Rinse in water for 2 minutes
5. Differentiate in 0.5% acid alcohol for 10 seconds
6. Rinse in water for 2 minutes
7. Blue in Scotts Tap Water Substitute for 2 minutes
8. Rinse in water for 2 minutes
9. Dehydrate in 70% alcohol for 2 minutes
10. Dehydrate in 95% alcohol for 2 minutes
11. Dehydrate in fresh 95% alcohol for 2 minutes
12. Stain in Pap. Stain OG6 for 2 minutes
13. Rinse in 95% alcohol for 2 minutes
14. Rinse in fresh 95% alcohol for 2 minutes
15. Stain in Pap. Stain EA50 for 2 minutes
16. Rinse in 95% alcohol for 1 minute
17. Dehydrate, clear and mount

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