DPAS Stain Kit

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This stain kit is used to differentiate glycogen from other PAS-positive elements in tissue sections. Glycogen is removed by enzyme digestion. It is often used in conjunction with the PAS kit

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100 Test200 Test500 Test1000 Test
Code– 100-200-500-1000
RRSK1504 x 50ml4 x 100ml4 x 250ml4 x 500ml


Kit Contains:
Lipase from porcine pancreas
Periodic Acid Solution 1%
Schiff reagents (Feulgen)
Haemalum Mayer

General Information:
Procedure Time : 75 minutes (approximate)
Shelf Life: 3 Years (from date of manufacture)
Storage:    Schiff reagent & lipase 2-8° C. Other Reagents 15-25° C.

Nuclei:        Blue-Black
Glycogen:   No Magenta staining
Neutral/sialomucins: Magenta
Various glycoproteins, early lipofuchsins:  Magenta


  1. Dewax sections, hydrate through alcohols and rinse in tap water
  2. Treat with a 1% solution of lipase for 20 minutes at 37°C and then wash well in water
  3. Oxidise slides with periodic acid solution for 5 minutes
  4. Wash well in several changes of distilled water
  5. Stain with schiff reagent for 20 minutes at room temperature
  6. Wash slides well in running tap water for 5-10 minutes (sections should macroscopically be pink/ magenta in colour)
  7. Stain sections in haemalum Mayer for 1 minute
  8. Wash well in water, differentiate in 0.5% acid alcohol and blue in running water or Scotts tap water substitute
  9. Dehydrate rapidly, clear and mount

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100 Test, 1000 Test, 200 Test, 500 Test